Book Review - "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott

My format for book reviews is heavily borrowed from how James Clear does his book reviews, providing an overall summary and then notes and quotes that resonated with me.

Final Summary

This was a great book that discussed emotional and practical things that can keep people from writing. Practical recommendations included taking notes on everything, breaking things down into the smallest possible part, and establishing a consistent writing practice. Emotional things include advice on silencing your inner parent (criticism), how to assume everything you write is important, and the fact that you must believe in what you are saying, as it is a form of truth. The writing is quite funny.

Utility in Academic Space

The practical tips were absolutely spot on, but a good amount of the book was fairly literary for average scientific writers. The parts where she addresses procrastination and perfectionism are highly applicable.


You are in print, therefore you exist.

Take notes on everything.

Good writing is also about telling the truth.

Write at the same time and in the same place each day.

Becoming a better writer helps you become a better reader.

Break things down into smaller chunks, the smaller the better.

Very few writers know what they are doing until they've done it.

Let it all out knowing you can fix it later.

Clutter is fertile ground, tidiness suggests things are as good as they can get.

Psychic muscles cramp around our wounds so they never heal.

Awareness is keeping yourself company, but compassionate company, like someone who you want to do well.

You must assume that your readers are bright and attentive.

Your reading should confirm what you've learned from the world

Getting all of your addictions under control is like putting an octopus to bed.

Writing is about learning to pay attention and communicate what is going on.

Try looking at your mind as a wayward puppy you are trying to paper train.

You have to have awe.

If you keep dropping projects it could be because you have no passion.

If you don't believe in what you are saying there's no point in you saying it.

It is natural to take on someone else's style and use it as a prop until you are ready.

We write to expose the unexposed.

Write as if your parents are dead.

The truth of your experiences can only come through your own voice.

The banana peel has appeared almost every time I score a triumph.

Becoming a writer is about becoming conscious.

Truth is always subversive.