Book review - "Be Useful", by Arnold Schwarzenegger

I’m going to riff off on how James Clear does his book reviews, providing an overall summary and then notes I took while reading.

Final Thoughts: The title says it all. I liked this book- it is remarkably practical about its suggestions for how to move yourself closer to your vision, and it manages to nail the scolding but not asshole motivational tone. The parts on communication and message targeting are also very well done and contain actionable advice. 

Utility in Academia: The book sections regarding productivity (auditing your time, using it wisely) and about communication are very applicable. However, I think many academics struggle more with having too many goals, not in how to define a single goal. That said, I do think the advice he gives could be modified to fit the context of multiple goals, though some self-awareness is required.


1. Have a clear vision

  • vision is purpose and meaning
  • we always have a choice, but can lack something to measure our choices against 
  • go back to what you always loved
  • create space and time 
  • Focus on small daily achievements. Things you like to do and make you proud of having done them. Notice how this process changes your outlook and attention.
  • life is in the transition points, not just the highs and the lows

2. Never think small

  • if you are going to do it, do it. Go all in. There is no plan B - plan B is to succeed at plan A
  • having a big vision takes the same energy as having a small one

3. Work your ass off

  • work works. use all 24 hours in the day 
  • pay attention to the details
  • follow up and follow through. Lack of follow through indicates that you aren’t fully committed

4. Sell, sell, sell

  • no one is more equipped or motivated to sell your idea than you are
  • know who is the customer, who is the boss, and who will make the decision
  • publicly commit to your goal to get it moving
  • let them underestimate you
  • be yourself, own the story, and reap the rewards. What would be the value in being someone you are not?
  • use language that connects with the lives of the people you are trying to sell to

5. Shift Gears 

  • if you see a problem, come with a solution or stay quiet
  • we can't control much of what happens in our lives but we can control how we feel and respond to things
  • you grow by testing yourself in a way that risks failure
  • “it's always been done this way” is a terrible argument

6. Shut your mouth and open your mind 

  • listen more than you talk, and when you do talk ask questions
  • when you are humble and curious people want to help you

7. Break your mirrors

  • we are all here thanks to the contributions of other people, and everyone benefits from giving back
  • life isn't zero sum, giving increases happiness
  • you have more to offer than you know